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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Weigh In Week #4

169 lbs.
down 2.5 lbs. from last week
down 13 lbs. from start
29 lbs. to my goal's been a while since I've seen the 160s. It's been about a year and half since our wedding, and I hit the 169 mark the day before we got married. Yep...I barely made it last time. 

I'm having some trouble finding really great tasting, healthy meals that Josh likes too. We're experimenting, trying new things each week, and sometimes they don't turn out the best. I don't mind because I am satisfied knowing that I am putting good food into my body and making healthy choices, but I think he's starting to get frustrated with it. This week, I think he really only liked one of the things we made. It was a pork roast with tons of veggies (including my new favorite - sweet potatoes)!  It's going to take some time to build up a good, healthy recipe book to choose from. I'm hoping for better luck this week!

Josh and I signed up last week for a 5K that they hold two times each year in Saint Louis. It's called The Color Run. At first I was pumped up to train together for this run, but the more I read/hear about it, the more I realize that it's more of a laid back, party kind of event. The website even says that the focus isn't on running the fastest...

We saw some friends this weekend that we haven't seen in a while, and it was so encouraging to hear that people noticed I've been losing weight. 

This post was kind of all over the place because I'm feeling a little scatter brained today. That is all. 

Peace & Love,

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