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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Goodbye Old Friend

Well it's been a completely exhausting last 24 hours. I can tell you that for sure. This is non-exercise related post, but dangit my mental health is not doing so well right now!

When I was thirteen, we got a baby yellow lab named Jake. My dad and brother went to pick him out, and they brought him home to surprise the family. He was a great family dog, and he's brought us so much joy over the past fourteen years. It really seems like we have had him forever, but unfortunately it was his time to go. With heavy hearts, we all said our goodbyes last night. This may sound silly to non-dog owners, but it was honestly one of the hardest things I've ever experienced. I thought it might be a little easier on me since I moved out a few years ago, but no. It wasn't. It was terrible. To be perfectly honest, I loved that dog more than most people and this is going to take some time to heal. 

R.I.P. Jake Dog, Snickers, Puddles, Poodle, Mr. Moose, 
Mr. Moose Bear, Nu-nu, Jakey, and most recently Old Bones
8/10/98 - 1/14/13

So when I hit the gym after school today, it was a nice hour to keep my mind from thinking too much.  All I did was listen to the music and run. Very relaxing for an exhausted mind. 

Peace & Love,

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