This is serious. I take off two weeks and my body hates me. Okay, maybe it was three (I took it really easy for a week & then completely off for two). Two weeks...three weeks....whatever!
Allow me to backtrack: So yesterday I walked Juno, did the Hip Hop Abs Hips, Buns, and Thighs video, and did a little jogging and weights. Today I walked Juno and did some lifting with Joe at the gym. Everything was business as usual. Then I went home and took a nap. Here's where the trouble comes in. I woke up, kicked my legs to the side of the bed, and when I went to stand up they almost collapsed beneath me. Everything is sore. Arms, shoulders, legs, abs, everything.
My body is pissed, and it's because I deprived it off exercise for three weeks. Don't worry body, it won't happen again! :)

Hello all your beautiful people! I'm using this blog to help keep me on track as I continue my switch to a healthier and more active lifestyle. Please feel free to leave comments, follow me, or share a link to your own fitness blog! I love to read about other people going through the same things that I am, and I'd love to help cheer you on along the way! :)
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Life of a Kindergarten Teacher
Current Weight: 153 lbs.
Down 43 lbs. from the start
13 lbs. until my goal
Well, well. It's been a while! Of course these are all excuses, cards, packing my classroom, kindergarten promotion ceremony, end of year reading tests, saving and rearranging/organizing all my files on my school computer, removing every. single. staple. from my walls and bulletin boa...oh wait, that's just me being completely OCD over nothing and making my life miserable. But hey! I'll be glad next school year when I don't have to sit there removing staples from the walls just to put up a piece of paper on my bulletin board. Oh, the life of a kindergarten teacher...
Anyway, I'm super excited that the last few busy weeks have passed. I'm even more excited to get back to working out because my body is craving it! I have felt so guilty, but here's the funny thing. I haven't really lost or gained weight after three weeks of not counting calories or exercising. Strange, right? I didn't eat completely terribly, but I have had fancy coffees and even some ice cream here and there. Whhhhaattt?!
The Diet Bet ends on the 31st, and I think I might be able to make it. That 153 lbs. up there was post-breakfast since I forgot to weigh myself this morning. I think I have to be at 149, but I need to double check. Anyway, my weight seems to fluctuate a lot lately, and if I work out hard these next few days, I think I'll be able to win. Josh did this one with me also, and he is already winning plus some!
I had planned on heading to the gym tonight, but I have a flat tire. Looks like I'm going to be working out at home instead. I don't really have any exciting news to report, so have a great week everyone!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Sunday Weigh In
Current Weight: 153.3
Down 42.7 lbs. from the start
13.3 lbs. until my goal weight
Well I've gained since last Sunday, but I'm not terribly upset about it. I took one entire week off from logging and only exercised a little bit, so I knew it would happen. I feel like I really just needed a break though. I'm being a baby, I know, but I was tired of logging every single calorie I put in my mouth. I was busy at work, and I wanted some time to relax. I know these are excuses, but I needed a break.
Now we have one week until the float trip, and I'm having anxiety about this bikini! Ughh. I want to try and wear it, but I'm just not happy with how I look in it yet. In two more weeks I will be off school, and I have a plan for being definite bikini ready by the Dominican...
My Plan
- cardio a minimum of three times per week
- strength training and tons of ab workouts at least 5 days per week
- lots of laying out, but only after I work out :)
We'll see if I end up wearing a bikini, but I think I'll probably end up in my black and white striped tankini from my honeymoon. I know I'll be much more comfortable in it, but I wish I could wear my bikini and be comfortable. Decisions, decisions...
Only 2.5 more weeks until the Diet Bet is over. I think I have about 3 pounds left to lose, but I don't remember for sure...
Have a super sparkly week!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Pure Joy
Current Weight: 146.8 lbs.
Down 49.2 lbs. from the start
6.8 lbs. until my goal!!!!
(Yes, I had to use my calculator...don't judge me!)
First and foremost, I have only 7ish pounds until I meet my goal weight. It's a very strange feeling, and it seems like it's not even reality. I put on a pair of size seven khakis this week when I went to school, not really expecting them to fit me, and they did! It's a strange thing to think back five months ago, when my BMI was close to falling in the obsese range.
My body has been telling me I need to lose weight for years, but it wasn't any easy lifestyle change. After countless fad diets, "cleanses," and other quick fixes, I finally did it the right way. I think quitting smoking last September is what started getting me into the mindset of living more healthily. I considered the fact that we want to have a sweet little bundle of joy in the next few years, and that is what got me thinking. I need to be healthy in order to have a healthy baby. I need to take care of myself so that I can take care of my future child. I also wanted to get in better shape for my husband. I have to say, he's a stud muffin! He deserves a wife who looks good and takes care of herself. If you don't believe me, check out my favorite picture from our honeymoon ;)
Having a baby and looking good for Josh were both reasons to lose weight, but mostly I did it for myself. There's a million reasons I wanted to become more healthy, and here are some of the most important ones:
- to feel comfortable in social situations (I've avoided float trips and pool parties for years)
- to be able to wear anything I want and feel more confident
- to not swear my butt off all summer long!!!!
Anyway, I want to talk about this new scale I bought last night. Thanks to Angel finding it on sale yesterday, I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and picked up this awesome new scale last night. I've been wanting a digital one for a while because the old school one we have doesn't always seem very accurate. After you align the thing to 0 lbs., step on, and step back off, it never goes back to the 0 mark. I'd have to weigh myself several times just to get a semi-accurate reading.
So this scale is pretty amazing. It's the newest WW scale. It uses this method of sending low voltage electrodes (it swears it safe) through your body to measure your bone density, water weight, and body fat percentage. It currently says my body fat percentage is 23.8%. I don't really know if that's good or bad because I haven't read anything about it yet, but I'm going to.
Technically, it seems like I've lost a lot of weight from last Sunday to this Sunday, but I think there are two reasons: 1) I'm pretty sure I had a "food baby" the last time I weighed myself. 2) New scale - the gym and my mom's scale always said I weighed slightly less than what mine did, but I always just went with my home scale.
I've decided to go back to once a week weighing. I used to only weigh myself on Sunday mornings. I noticed my friend Melissa doing it more often. It works for her, but it sort of makes me crazy! I get mad when I have a little extra water weight or when it fluctuates so much within a day, but I guess it has really kept my eating in check this week.
Whatever Josh and I have got going on in our bodies needs to get the heck out! We've both felt like crap for a week now, and when we start to think we're feeling better, we wake up feeling terrible again. For instance, we were both feeling pretty normal last night besides being snotty and slightly congested. Now we both wake up with sore throats and snotty noses! It's like it won't go away. Each time I've tried to work out this week, I've gotten shortness of breath and it hurts my lungs :( I'm going to try for a short cardio workout, then maybe some abs and weights.
We have a busy day head of us -- it's my baby brother's birthday today. We're celebrating his birthday and Josh's at my parents house this evening, which is always an internal battle for me. I'm sure there will be more calories in this one meal than I typically eat in two days. Happy birthday, little bro! I love you :)
Have a wonderful week!Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Well since I haven't been keeping up with this every Sunday, we'll start with my latest weigh in!
Current Weight: 154 lbs.
Down 42 lbs. from the start
14 lbs. still to go!
Only 14 more pounds. It seems like it's not that much, but I haven't been losing a lot lately. I'm kinda stuck in the mid 150s, fluctuating up and down depending on the day, when I last ate, etc. However, I started another Diet Bet, and I am determined to win. It was questionable whether the judges would allow me to win the last one, and they ended up calling in my favor (Side note: I really need to get a digital scale).
The Color Run was last Saturday, and boy was it miserable cold and rainy! It was all very fun and exciting because it was my first 5K, but the cold and rain put a damper on things. Here's me with the hubs after the race:
So Sunday night, we helped Josh's mom move some moldy carpet out of her basement. I feel so bad for her. She had a leak at her house that they didn't know about, and the carpet pad under the carpet was growing mold. They didn't even know about it until they started smelling it. Anyway, Josh and I have both been feeling pretty crappy ever since. Sore throats, coughs, fevers, achy bodies, etc. So that's kinda put a damper on my working out this week. Luckily I've been keeping my eating in check.
This is a worthless blog post with a lot of rambling and no real content. In fact, I considered deleting. The truth is, I'm trying to watch Revolution and write. All done! Happy Wednesday, ya'll!
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