Since I've enrolled at the gym in December, I've been afraid of the weight section. I mean, c'mon...all I ever see are these super ripped meat heads grunting and groaning as they lift twice their body weight and admire their guns in the mirrors. Unappealing.
Fortunately for me, I can avoid the aforementioned gentlemen by going early in the morning on my days off or late at night.
It's surprisingly exciting! Almost as fun as playing volleyball (don't judge me). I never thought I'd say this in my entire lifetime, but it's kind of euphoric in a way. It's a slightly addicting how your muscles shake until you literally cannot do another rep or lift yourself another time.
Wednesday night was my first time with Ashley and Melissa. Then I went by myself last night. I was seriously sitting on my couch watching TV with my husband, and I thought...hmmmm I really want to lift weights right now and got up to go to the gym. Then I went with my brother this morning, and it's always good to spend time with him. Hooray for weight lifting!
Speaking of weight lifting, no matter what I do lately, my body is not burning calories at the rate that it used to. I am lucky to burn 400 calories in an hour lately, and it's really pissing me off! I don't know why it's happening, but this crazyness has got to stop!!
In other news, I'm bringing all my workout videos to Melissa's house tonight. We are going to do home workout videos and munch on fruit! Then maybe watch a movie, although I really hate watching movies with people. I don't know if I can do it. I'm going to give it my best effort. Josh tells me I need to get over this, and I get's kind of a weird thing I have goin' on in my brain.
Maybe I can explain without sounding like a total mental case: My sister Kelly and my husband Josh are the only two people in the world that I can watch movies with. They know just when to make comments so that you don't miss what the people are saying in the movie. If they have something to say that's a bit more lengthy, we pause the movie and get that conversation out of the way rather than talk over what's happening. Although, this is a rare occurrence because if it's done too much during the course of one movie, it is flat out annoying. They also laugh and get excited at the same parts and in the same ways I do, and they don't have any annoying movie habits (crunching on chips, smacking on gum, slurping their beverages, etc.). Basically, they are just awesome and that is all.
Enjoy the weekend, friends!
Well workout/movie night turned into strictly movie night, but that's okay. We watched a pretty interesting documentary, and I found a new show to watch...something about Jenks. The life of Jenks? Or something along those's set up to record now on my season pass :) It looks really good, so I'm excited! Happy weekend!